
Chatterize Launches Speakia on iOS

Speakia offers an immersive English environment for children

Chatterize is excited to announce the launch of Speakia, its first mobile app, available for iOS.  Speakia releases after a successful beta WeChat app used by over 50,000 students.

Speakia offers significantly expanded English learning content, an immersive, gamified user experience, and voice-driven activities. Speakia’s learning system is built for children ages 4-14 who want to improve their pronunciation, fluency, and confidence in spoken English. 

Speakia provides a simple yet effective way for children to practice real-life English without having to travel abroad or pay a large sum for online English classes.  Aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference and the Chinese Standards of English, students in Speakia practice conversational English centered around real-world topics with animated conversational chatbots in unique locations. 

"Chatterize’s mission is to make language learning accessible to everyone.," said Lane Litz, co-founder and CEO. "It doesn’t matter how much money you have. Your child deserves the opportunity to have access to spoken English lessons to accelerate their confidence and fluency. Intelligent conversational technology transforms and equalizes access to high-quality education for children around the world."

Speakia’s innovative features include: 

- AI technology that understands children and provides immediate pronunciation feedback.  Speakia’s learning system harnesses the power of AI to allow unlimited spoken English practice, offering real-time feedback for immediate improvement. Its intelligent learning systems break down pronunciation errors to the individual sound, targeting the root of the problem.

- Immersive language learning environment.  Speakia provides children access to a fully immersive English language learning experience by recreating a study abroad environment.  The content is paired with illustrated icons that provide context, while native English voices accompany all text.  Students in Speakia follow a three-step learning system composed of vocabulary words, sentence structures, and full-scale conversations. Voice-activated activities and pronunciation feedback support student progress.

- Focus on accuracy, fluency and complexity. Speakia’s curriculum systematically introduces students to more complex language, while its AI engine assesses accuracy and offers immediate feedback around pronunciation and contextual correctness. Built by an international team of ESL experts, Speakia is aligned to both global and Chinese English learning standards. Moreover, it follows the linguistic model of complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF). 

- English for real life, not textbook learning.  In Speakia students apply textbook learning to realistic interactive scenarios, bringing language to life! Speakia’s curriculum introduces children to aspects of daily spoken English, including formal vs. informal speech, modern greetings and interpersonal conversations, and transactional interactions. Speakia fills the gap between textbook English learned in a classroom setting and the application of English as a skill in real life. 

Chatterize's launch of Speakia is the first step in tackling education equality at a time when the world needs it most. At Chatterize, we want to transform how children learn spoken English and become a leader in the field. We believe that any child should have access to high-quality education- any subject, anywhere, at any time. 

Speakia is currently accessible only in the China region. To download it, visit the App Store.

To follow the Chatterize and Speakia journey, find us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.



英语声球软件的画面都非常精良, 软件里的内容贴合生活,可以开口,并且会提醒家长反复让孩子去练习,或者家长跟孩子一起说。每天重复 运用,效果更好。

-- Luella(英语老师)


我的孩子每天都会说英语真是太 好了,我也不用强迫他们坐下来。 我的孩子在英语声球中开口说的 英语比他在英语课上说的多的多!

-- Lucy(8岁女孩的妈妈)


我喜欢玩英语声球,在里面我可以 用英语和我的卡通朋友进行交流对话,我说英语的时候也不再觉得害 怕和不好意思啦!

-- Duke(6岁)


现在就开始 说英语吧!

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